Monday, November 17, 2014


This was one an actual car that I passed in the Mall lot as I strolled back to my car after buying Halo Master Chief Collection.

So World of Warcraft released it's latest expansion and it's pretty cool 
this happened last night

All I got to say is WOW

Is this the Dagger I see before my- nevermind

Just go with this Macbethian metaphor

I am partially intrigued and partially disturbed by this new development from Skynet
err- I mean Amazon.

Awesome video from some of my favorite guys
on Comic Book Heros vs. Video Game Heroes

and finally

German village plays prank on neo-Nazis

Residents of Wunsiedel, where Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess is buried, are tired of yearly invasion of neo Nazis to their village, so they decide neo-Nazis can march for a good cause.
watch the subtitles.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

the return of cool stuff

OK GO is back
About the best choreographed and staged and executed music videos I have ever seen.
The song is awesome as well.
And so is the master Chief in Halo 2 Anniversary, a masterful remake that makes me say:
Why don't they remake them all?
Balder's Gate, 
Perfect Dark
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight
Fallout 3
Finally, an actual Halo movie, and yes it looks awesome

Who knew he could rap and rap well
Daniel Radcliffe surprises me.

I don't know if I am ecstatic or nervous,
The book was awesome and twisted.
when they make movies into books I always get nervous.
Still Hunger Games was better than the book (in my opinion)
So I guess we will have to just wait and see.

I love Borderlands and Cosplay
Wish I was younger, thinner and had time for Cons (and Money)
also the Prequel Sequel is pretty Badass(that's a video game not a movie)

that is all.

This is a picture from a Cosplay Fav or mine Byndo Gehk
love her work so much it's on my wall.

Almost bought this DVD without seeing it first.
I admit, I can be impulsive, That guy is called Cage, he's cosplaying 
Edge of Tomorrow.
Cosplay is awesome
and fun.

A Little Musical Accompaniment (may not be SFW)

I can't resist having one more Cosplay bit from
an Awesome media group I just learned about
Beat Down Boogie
which has inspired me to pull this out and begin to reconsider
my own options
Find a way to follow suite on that which makes 
me happy
We will have to see.

In other news, Jim Carrey parodies Matt McConaughey's
car  commercials (worth watching them all)
also anyone missing some kids?

and then there's
Jackie Chan.

as they say.
Argument Invalid.

That is one big whale.
Oh boy.

and that is this week (or month)
according to Mike