What's the furthest you've ever traveled?
Michael said: "In real life? Around the world. In my imagination? I will tell you when I get there"
That's why I write. So you can go there with me.
What was the best advice you've ever received?
Michael said: "Go to school or was it get laid? I forgot. i went to school and forgot to get laid"
there was better advice. Read more, Write more. Travel more. Find a nice girl and settle down. Get a job. Get a life. Get a better opinion of yourself. Look in the mirror, keep your eyes on the road- DAMMMIT!
Of course, it would have been really confusing if it all came from one person.
If you could become any fictional character, who would you be?
Michael said: "Batman. I am Batman."
I am Batman. He's scary-awesome and he gets both of the girls in the comic books (at least). he got Catwoman in both/
What's one food you'll never eat again?
Michael said: "Escargot- it was my brother's fault - well probably unless he bet's money next time.'
What video game have you played the most?
Michael said: "Fallout 3- ever heard of encumberance? It can take you hours to drag 2000lbs of weapons, armor and grenades back to Megaton."
you should try dragging 32 Chinese Assualt Rifles to Paradise Falls sometime
If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?
Michael said: "Castle"- that would be my dream job, writing awesome mystery books and following Kate Becket around all day!"
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Michael said: "Michael van Vuuren" Hey it's 3 words. Translate them Michael- like god (godlike) van- dutch for From - Vuuren- the name of a town in Holland. Godlike from Holland.
What one thing are you exceptionally good at?
Michael said: "being me. Let me tell you only brain surgery, tightrope walking or spaceflight takes more skill"
You should try being me some time. I bet you will go back to biological forensics in 5 minutes.
What's your favorite genre of music?
Michael said: "Queen- what? Dammit, I could have sworn that the world would have recognized it as a genre of Rock by now!" Just ask Neil Gaiman- according to him and Terry Pratchett every cassette tape or CD left in a car long enough eventually sounds like one of Queen's Greatest Hits. Stravinsky's Another One Bites the Dust Symphony for instance.
If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?
Michael said: "Klingon- of course. Or Bacchi since it is very close to that of moisture evaporators "
if you don't get this, maybe you are reading Hamlet in the wrong language or the wrong blog on a rainy Monday!
Would you rather be really hot or really cold?
Michael said: "Well since I am already really hot, I guess some coolness would help" hey fellas what's better than being cool? Ice Cold!
What was your favorite childhood toy?
Michael said: "X-29 Excalibur Lightsaber (stick edition)"
the real answer for this is my imagination was my best toy as a kid.
What would your dream job look like?
Michael said: "Me, women who all adore me, king of the world sounds good but only if I can have everything micro-managed by all those women who all adore me"
Otherwise if I can have Nathan Fillion's current job, I could settle for that.
What would be the best thing about being a vampire?
Michael said: "Living for hundreds of years with out needing to use the bathroom"
I occasionally wonder if when I am about to die, as my life is flashing in front of me will I remember all the time I spent on the toilet. I hope not. So if Vampirism is ever offered I am taking it. What's a little blood and garlic anyway?
What was your favorite TV show as a child?
Michael said: "Hogan's Heroes"- it was the closest thing to the mad scientist's club I had ever seen
What website do you spend the most time on?
Michael said: "eBay" I like money more than looking at porn.
What would your perfect day look like?
Michael said: "Like a Sunny day on Jupiter or a rainy day in Hell" If it looked like Anne Hathaway- that would work for me as well.
If you could look like anybody, who would it be?
Michael said: "Brad Pitt. in Meet Joe Black" at that moment- he was the best looking man I had ever had to watch for 3 plus hours.
What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?
Michael said: "Go get a job, then win the lottery and donate it all to the following bank account"
What was the worst advice you've ever received?
Michael said: "Get on Facebook,,. just look at the wreck my life has become? "
If you could make one classmate fall in love with you, who would it be?
Michael said: "Ouch. It would be a toss up between Wendy Jordan and Olyvya... but then I believe they all secretly loved me anyway"
If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
Michael said: "Amanda Pays (what an accent) Elizabeth Hurley if not. " if you don't understand this watch Max Headroom (tv show-not coke commercial) or Gunshy or any Ehurley movie- basically brunettes with British accents drive me to distraction
What household chore do you hate to do the most?
Michael said: "cleaning out the cesspool." The funny thing about this is I have done something very close to this in real life.
Do you believe in fate?
Michael said: "Yes, but I call him Feyt and you should call him SIR" (inside jokes for SW fan film fans and my buddy Chris).
What's the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?
Michael said: "Gave me the equivalence of two silver candlesticks" Beecher C. and Jean val Jean would understand this. Confused see or read Les Miserables
If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
Michael said: "Pay off my debts, travel more, Buy Bill Dagner an Imax movie theater for his Man-cave- just because I could." If you don't get this than you have never experienced Aguirre in the Man Cave.
What was the worst job you've ever had?
Michael said: "Volunteer landscaping- pulling weeds for $3.25 an hour" Crawling 8 hours a day for the MAN.
What class are you most likely to fall asleep in?
Michael said: "back in the day, I fell asleep in most of them, I have sleep apnea."
What's the best gift you've ever given?
Michael said: "Life"
If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it?
Michael said: "Millennium Falcon, she might not look like much BUT she can outrun Star Destroyers "
Every ship I ever own will be called Millennium Falcon... or maybe Freyja. (long story-but it's an Alaskan thing).
If you could go on a road trip with any classmate, who would it be and where would you go?
Michael said: "Olyvya, Anywhere would be awesome with her." Some people seem to good to be true, just in case I pinch myself when I talk with or about her.
What's your favorite movie quote?
Michael said: "You came in that? You're braver than I thought"
if you don't know that one, you are probably reading the wrong blog... again.
And since I could go on and on and on- I won't
And that my friend (unless I actually end up with followers after this one) friends-
is life according to Mike!