When I was a kid (unbelievable as that is) I had this song that I would play over and over again until my brother would threatened to throw the record down the hill from our house in Shady Dale in Holston Hills, Knoxville. My brother didn't but I did eventually stop playing that record over and over again. I moved on to The Statler Brothers- I had 4 of them to play over and over again instead.
The Song: Ronnie Milsap- It was almost like a song.
Now other than being a huge romantic fool that I am, the reason for this was (are you ready for it?)
I could play it on the piano, my first pop song I could actually play!
This also would prove to drive my brother nuts since I played that song on the piano over and over again until 1980-something.
So naturally you are going to ask (yes, even you Larry) Mike what does this have to do with the price of coffee in Starbucks in eastern Bangladesh?
Well I tell it in another way.
Almost is like Close. You know close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
So does almost, at least almost always.
if I were to list the 3 things I have missed in life so far you might get the point of my meandering musings.
Now other than being a huge romantic fool that I am, the reason for this was (are you ready for it?)
I could play it on the piano, my first pop song I could actually play!
This also would prove to drive my brother nuts since I played that song on the piano over and over again until 1980-something.
So naturally you are going to ask (yes, even you Larry) Mike what does this have to do with the price of coffee in Starbucks in eastern Bangladesh?
Well I tell it in another way.
Almost is like Close. You know close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
So does almost, at least almost always.
if I were to list the 3 things I have missed in life so far you might get the point of my meandering musings.
1. Love.
Yep, I never have been in love (well not that I know of) [okay that's not entirely true]
What I am talking about is reciprocal love. I have loved girls (middle school) and I have thought I loved in High School. I could have sworn I was in love in College, and then I wanted to be in love with a woman that I had been friends with in High School.
I mean I have had flings, flirtations and near misses. But it feels like a lifetime since I looked across a table and recognized love in another persons eyes, Love for me and felt the same way about that person.
2. Kissing
Corny, yes, but when it happened it felt as necessary as breathing. I haven't kissed another person (and I mean real kissing not pecking or that dry crap you reserve for friends, relatives and people you are about to betray.)
At least I got to experience the kiss. It is a feeling I will never forget nor want to.
3. being thin.
ironic and probably not what you were expecting (sex) but in a way more like for me than the other two. I was one of those people I came to hate (well not hate) later.
"I'm so fat." or "I need to lose weight."
when in truth I was more out of shape or dumpy then plumpy.
Then life, stress, depression and later sleep apnea came along and made my imagined problems reality. Now I am fat and need to lose weight and its hard since none of the causes of the original 200 plus pounds went away. Right now I feel the fat. Makes me want to scream.
The "solution" is easy to say. near impossible to achieve.
So. all three things could be a song or songs.
There are songs.
But for me they are almost like a song
I think about the horseshoes angle
Falling in love is never something that you plan
(ask just about anyone who has ever been or still is)
The funny thing is I would have listed Sex until I got to it- then I realized I would sooner live without sex than the other three. Don't get me wrong. SEX is Important. it just not as important otherwise half the population would be jumping off the ship of life for the lack of it or the lack of time for it. How many people complain that even in a serious relationship it takes the backseat to everything else. Also it is important to take note that Sex happens because of love (I could expound on this but that would be another blog on love and sex and sex without feeling).
Take it like this, Love is more important than sex, it ALWAYS IS. You might beg to differ but I ask you this, can you honestly say that it is not for both parties or all parties involved. Take a look at history, books, movies, poetry, music. The end argument has the same result. At least 1 person thought that it was love however sterilized, dirty or brief.
Anyway, these are the things I miss and have missed.
It was almost like a song, (and I will improve on the song) but it was almost to sad to write.
I have just written it.
The argument for love.
in the end it is always about love.
and that is life according to Mike.