It's another Tuesday in September, It's raining. Comcast is at a dead crawl and as I sit here pondering over the pages of first world complaints and problems, I draw the inevitable conclusion that writing about it won't make it any better
On the other hand, this kind of implies that, I won't have to take walking through the woods in such a fearful or serious manner.
What I am trying to say is that, it's Tuesday and it's raining. Also State Farm called and they want to finalize my life insurance application with one more interview (I already had 3) so don't get impressed if we inconvenience you one more time, just in case you die.....
But I digress, after all, I can smile when it's raining. What could possibly go wrong? I mean other than the phone call about me dying.
I am throwing in the epic sunset just to throw you off your expectations since I suspect that you are here to find out how the woman inside me feels about all this. Well, she says grow up, life is seldom as simple as a sunset at sea and did you clean your room this morning and kiss your mother goodbye?
You had to ask.
It's days like these that I realize that I have listened to far too much music when almost every sentence I write is a song lyric and when I must stop to question my existence or just the mere stupidity of it all, a wierd al track will start playing in my head while I try to be serious about my life.
I am alone.
I understand it (mostly).
I try to accept it (except it bothers me).
I want to be with someone else who also doesn't want to alone.
It won't happen.
At least, I am almost never alone in my dreams.
Then I wake up in my empty bed, the remains of a poem rattling around in my head
I might have to rhyme something with dead, but will just endeavor to make this all a joke instead.
It is Tuesday.
(blame it all on Loki)
no wait, everyone loves Raymond, except for me.
Which could explain my self-inflicted loneliness.
I do resent when friends and family offer up trite explanations (usually on Facebook) as to how this is really my fault (as if I didn't know it) or that it is so easily solved (although this usually means I need to move to another universe).
It is my fault, but only so much as to admit that I blame myself for blaming myself so much. That taking responsibility for my actions and subsequent isolation is more a result to my mishandling of social affairs rather than a direct attempt to sabotage a sense of happiness over any real empirical understanding of what I was really going to feel today.
Instead, I play Clash of Clans & Fallout Shelter & Titan Empires & Star Wars Commander and stay in bed effectively until 10 am.
Then it's time for work and you know pretty much the rest of the day is spent waiting on on that awesome Comcast upload speed.
So, instead of finding that deeper part of my soul where in self discovery and enlightenment hide inside of, I goof off and work in between the tedium of my work life knowing that there are better places for me to be, better things for me to be doing.
Because I am so good at my job, I solve every hurdle thrown my way in a matter of minutes instead of taking all day to solve them.
I won't get a job at Comcast or ATT this way, however.
Although, I should sell myself short on the possibility that my job is not that unlike another IT crowds job (that was a reference)
Here, let me help you visualize this,
Insert, anyone of my coworkers.
no one will accept a I.D. 10T error anyway.
Life would be awesome if I had a cool yet grumpy socially awkward coworker to commiserate - I mean collaborate all this with.
Life would be awesome if I had a cool yet grumpy socially awkward coworker to commiserate - I mean collaborate all this with.
A few final thoughts
Life is.
sometimes you don't have to be humanity's last hope
or a
without a friend in the world
save for a
moody old man
to get it.
that is life or tuesdays
according to Mike.