Okay here is my rant.
I am so tired of finding a youtuber who I like only to discover that they want to:
A. Criticize a documentary as if it is a feature film. Meaning that they equate it with a cult because the film is about minimalism. Ignore the filmmaker entirely so they can criticize the content. be critical of the cinematography because it feeds they diatribe about the way they feel about the subject matter and totally not explore how the film is being presented to get the art across. Goodbye Drew Gooden.
B. Talk about The Wall as if it was the best film ever made in the dullest presentation ever, Try to make a case for it but really want to criticize the Nostalgia Critic who made a parody/review of it several years ago. he's mad because Nostalgia Critic didn't bow down to the Art of the Film and worship at it's incredibility. Then I find out the youtuber used to work for the same production company as the Film Critic and got fired for various reasons and apparently blames the Nostalgia Critic (Doug Walker) for everything.
Goodbye Folding Ideas.
C. Idiots who criticize Cinema Sins for being to critical of every movie (even though the tagline of cinema sins is every movie has sins) and go on at length why CS is a garbage critic when I am not sure CS is really being a critic as much as a tongue in cheeky bastard about movies with logic gaps and such. This guy also hates Nostalgia Critic.
Goodbye Whinny guy.
Things to note.
1. they are all guys (white guys)
2. I suspect they would not hjave any actual content without picking on their subject matter (although all of them did have some interesting videos since I did choose to subscribe to them for a reason I can no longer fathom).
3. I don't watch every video that Cinema Sins makes because I don't like when he nitpicks on my favorite movies.
4. Stanley Kubrick made 2001 and A Clockwork Orange. They are HIS films not the authors (which admittedly might not have been big fans) When I think of those movies, I don't think of the Author I think of Stanley Kubrick's vision. This goes for many other movies. including LOTR, Fight Club (whose Author loved it), Princess Bride, ETC.
rant over.