Yes, as you might have suspected by now, I did not, in fact, go out for lunch but I did just use 3 commas and break a few grammatical clauses in there somewhere.
Thought for the Day:
"If life is like a bowl of Cherries, then why is it that I would rather have a bowl of Strawberries instead?"
We often make our lives more complex than they should be, we often fill them up with needless complications and baggage and garbage. We often worry ourselves with things we cannot solve, make right, or even maintain much less fix. We often run ourselves ragged and done to a frazzle so that no one will notice we did anything anyway.
Life is too short (they say) and things happen to fast to spend each day moving so fast that you cannot enjoy the moment as it presents itself to you.
Writing makes me stop and smell the roses, look at the clear skies and admire the birds in flight.
Another thought:
"We should have the patience of cats." (Terry Brooks in part for that one)
All good things come to those who wait:
"If the single man plant himself indomitably on his instincts, and there abide, the huge world will come around to him"--Emerson (2).
"Everything comes if a man will only wait"--Disraeli (3).
"All things come round to him, who will but wait"--Longfellow (4).
Serene, I fold my hands and wait,
Nor care for wind, nor tide, nor sea;
I rave no more 'gainst time or fate,
For lo! my own shall come to me--Burroughs (5).
(yahoo answers)
Thought for the Day:
"If life is like a bowl of Cherries, then why is it that I would rather have a bowl of Strawberries instead?"
We often make our lives more complex than they should be, we often fill them up with needless complications and baggage and garbage. We often worry ourselves with things we cannot solve, make right, or even maintain much less fix. We often run ourselves ragged and done to a frazzle so that no one will notice we did anything anyway.
Life is too short (they say) and things happen to fast to spend each day moving so fast that you cannot enjoy the moment as it presents itself to you.
Writing makes me stop and smell the roses, look at the clear skies and admire the birds in flight.
Another thought:
"We should have the patience of cats." (Terry Brooks in part for that one)
All good things come to those who wait:
"Festina lente" ["More haste, less speed"]--Augustus Caesar (1);
"If the single man plant himself indomitably on his instincts, and there abide, the huge world will come around to him"--Emerson (2).
"Everything comes if a man will only wait"--Disraeli (3).
"All things come round to him, who will but wait"--Longfellow (4).
Serene, I fold my hands and wait,
Nor care for wind, nor tide, nor sea;
I rave no more 'gainst time or fate,
For lo! my own shall come to me--Burroughs (5).
(yahoo answers)
A few good thoughts from more famous men than me.
So we should read a little more, live a little more and take long measured moments to consider before acting upon things.
My mother says that if this country would stop reacting and take action we would do better with the world around us.
I agree.
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