Okay, the first thing I am going to admit is that I haven't been to Topeka, New York. They tell me you just go to New York City, Hit Wall Street, take a right at Starbucks and walk until you see the sign or you find the bottom of the Bay, either way you will see about the same thing.
The point (if there is a point) is that as long as you are there or anywhere, it could be a great place to have lunch. Just grab your hat and duster and step through that doorway into the next week of your life.
Speaking of which I recommend the Coney but not the Chili (terrible gas).
Life may be getting you down and life might be getting harder. The road may be getting steeper and the days drier. But sometimes as you are slogging along through this meaningless existence, it's important to stop.
No, it is absolutely critical to stop
and enjoy the view.
This is the universe that occurred or got created from something so immeasurably small or large that it cannot be quantified or classified or explained away in the
obvious assumption that we will ever live long enough
to be able to do so.
It doesn't mean we should not try.
It just means that you should enjoy this lunch break.
So, I am sitting here, on my lunch break, observing the state of the world. It is about as bad as it looks. Humanity.
Destruction- willful, chaotic, unprecedented on a scale that boggles the mind and hurts the soul.
I am the bile that comes after eating bad chili as I watch our collective downward spiral into the age of hope and despair.
See Jack. Didn't I tell you to avoid the Chili?
Why did I have the chili? Because destruction and desolation taste good at first like those
who revel in revenge and hatred.
It does not leave you wanting dessert.
where I sit I can see, the modern versions of Good and Evil playing chess in the park. Checks are infrequent and Checkmates even more so, like playing poker will flying a bomber over the Atlantic looking for an Hawaiian
to ante up you bets by calling your hand with a pair of aces and three suicide Jacks. Yes it is a crazy metaphor for what level on the unpredictability that makes living it worthwhile.
Speaking of Jack, I am thinking of taking up running
I hear he's an expert at this kind of thing.
I don't know much, but I suspect that Mario could give
Jack some pointers
I wish I had the money it would take to help out Mario.
Still if I can get a pair (and they work or kill me in the process)
I am going to take up running.
You should check them out. The Air Glides.
In the meanwhile, I am going to undertake smarter tactics in mob control.
You know what that means?
It means it is time for me to take the Holy Hand Grenade from Turin, Yorkshire and toss it into the middle of my sedentary lifestyle.
Ed and I enjoy explosions.
The clinical psycho told me that I would need to completely change my lifestyle.
So I am.
I will walk 500 -499 miles each day.
I will stick to my diet.
Yes, Cookie Monster, that means it's over.
Get your crumbs and start walking @ 7am each day.
It's the way of things man...I mean monster.
anyway, I am going to seize the bull by it's proverbial horns.
Then I will be enjoying life and living like a...
Go on say it. The visuals are killing your data plan.
Well. Get over it.
I always envied R2D2. partly because he has an easy to spell name, but also for that holographic projector and memory banks. The Blaster Scoring was really sexy too.
Well. It had to happen. This lunch break is over.
I will leave you guys with the above thought and one last one I heard today.
Opinions ARE like assholes. Everyone has them and many of them stink.
BUT, Opinions differ in one aspect. They needed to be constantly scrutinized, picked apart and examined.
I will just credit this comedian who is both funny and virtually unknown except in Canada and Australia
which is pretty much the same thing (being unknown)
Tim Minchin.
Okay, now you can applaud
no really go ahead.
If you don't I will take it that you are reading this in the presence of your wife/husband and don't wish to explain
you rapid joy at being entertained with such
quality entertainment that seeks to
not only annoy but inform the dickens and tolkien out of you.
Now go take a walk.
or not.
You might even find me slogging along @ 7 in some park.
and that is Life According to Mike
on Mondays.