I saw the other day. He is the best at what he does.
"I am still Smarmy."
He Says.
This is what I get for blogging about my dentist...that arrogant bastard.
I love him- well I love the fact that he was cool about it even if he still has dropped it.
I may not be the sharpest pencil in the pocket protector but I can at least say that I try to keep my HB close @ all times.
It goes without saying (I am typing though)
I LOVE women, even if I will probably never actually be in a relationship with one (no I am NOT objectifying here). Also, only a handful (no pun) of them seem to like/tolerate me. There rest act as if they can brainwash me into not noticing that they were there in the first place.
People are, like Mike don't Jinx it. If you say you won't you never will. They are probably right.
The truth is- there is a day that goes by that I don't miss the sweet sensation of the contact.
The truth is yes, part of my brain knows that it will never be as good as it is in a Disney movie.
The truth is, that it can be better.
It's your kiss after all, not theirs that matters.
Having said that, keep in mind that if you say this to me
Or if you pucker up for one, I am liable to cross Heaven & Earth to comply with your request

We all have our opinions
our words can hurt or comfort

I know that might be hard to understand where I am concerned. In some ways, my words and the intrinsic understanding of them get me in and out of trouble.
Everytime I realize that I have reached this point in my eventual narrative- I force myself to stop and recognize that I am both prolithic and long winded.
So what do I mean?Take posting on Facebook since I do a lot of this. Things or rather words escalate quickly.
Tick Tick Boom
(think Susan Ivanova)
"There probably be a boom tomorrow- there's always a boom)
This is an awesome yet stupid picture
but whose counting anyway.
It does sum up my thoughts on Syria today though.
I mean considering the alternatives to giving Russia the High 5 and all.
(note: Russia is more like that wild cat then one should take for granted, wear gauntlets on next High 5).
Again, thank you world from removing the threat of imminent Nuclear retaliation.
War, war never changes...
except when it doesn't happen!
That also being said there are alternative ways of dealing with your problems
Isn't that right 007?
You can say that again, James.
Silencer Diplomacy is more effective than
overwhelming force anyday
Rorschach, it looks like we win this one, today anyway. Speaking of which, does anyone see the sinister parallel here with the Watchmen and the Chemical Attack?
I digress.
And now it is time for my happy dance!
That is life according to Mike
Just sit back and enjoy the world (with Daft Punk)
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