A new feature.
Cool stuff according to Mike.
let's start with cool music:
Cool video:
More Music and video:
Well that's it for this week, I will be back next week with the top videos and music I come across.
Cool stuff according to Mike.
let's start with cool music:
The thing about music, is if it does make me feel something, then it really isn't music (for me) anymore, it just becomes sound or worse noise. I hate noise.
There are professional versions of this, but amateurs have more fun with the concept.
awesome stuff,
Sometimes something comes around that gets me on both levels. The music makes me feel so good that I just sit there watching this video and I am himming and grinning like a fool.
Simonwinn is the channel and the music is wow, just makes me feel good.
What's next?
Well, let me back up to the beginning. I am checking Facebook (something I do a lot of- my mother says too much...she may be right, and For Human Peoples has posted this video.
And I start thinking about how my day is going and what I want to do with my life- starting from right here.
We can't all be happy and rich. Not yet, but I am working on it.
We can't all be successful. Hell, who says we can't. maybe it won't happen in the end, but the end is not here yet- and then I think about why.
What is it that we are missing?
The meaning of life.
Sometimes it is so simple that even when it is staring at us in the face we blink and don't see it.
the cliche goes "can't see the forest for the trees."
or can't see the bigger picture.
I say the meaning of life is living it.
We might not all get famous or rich or marry that ideal person or have ideal kids
but that does not mean that our lives have no meaning or what was the point anyway.
The poor only feel poor when someone comes over and reminds them that they don't have whatever that someone thinks they should have.
Also, that isn't ignorance. Ignorance take actively not seeing or knowing or understanding something.
That is innocence. You are happy until you believe someone who tell you that you are really unhappy.
Alright. enough with the soap box.
and that and this is according to Mike.
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