So why did I do it?
Becuase it is a good thing to do, if by doing it, others will view and consider doing the same and by doing so spread the idea that even a simple person like them can inspire others to try and change the world.
simply, find a way to give back to life.
I donated to the
and then I did this with my friend, Allan Burgess.
As to the water preservers, I respect your choice, but in all honesty, we used less water than most people take baths/showers or flush toliets with.
Where did our water go?
Into the earth and sky.
It's not wasted water.
There is a reason behind it being ice water.
It's a symbolic way you share with the victims of ALS, a familar sensation.
As to those who think this is all hype, the ALSA has been trying to raise awareness and funding for research and treatment for a long time. This year, they found a means to bring in so much more money than they ever had in previous attempts.
Why fault their success.
any info is sometimes better than no info or effort.
You can go to their Community of Hope page and find a different cause/flag to raise awareness and funds through, you can donate in memorium of someone you knew and loved.
you can create your own cause.
You can give to another fund altogether.
The point for me, the stepping off point- persay was
that this was something I could do and promote.
and that is life according to Mike
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