In short, another no win situation carefully engineered by yours truly.
So what can you do when you have screwed the pooch.
Well, this is definitely a viable option, but we are supposed be progressive about this and come up with a better solution.

Well, since I lost you back at or, you might have to put out of the fire where your monitor burst into flame (figuratively) because I am trying to be wise and funny and probably not
really succeeding since as you might remember I am down at the bottom of the hole that I just dug for myself.
But I digress, anyway, I am sorry that I cannot be this one person everyone wants me to be. I mean, I want to be this loving, considerate person, but as much as I realize that I am two people, I am or rather have to one person, kind of the ying and the yang needs to be one concept, kind of two halves are just two halves incomplete or allow them to become one person even if it means I will probably be that brother that will still be at the bottom of the hole.

Shakespeare via Plutonius instructs his son to be a better man, he tells him among other things, "and this above all things, to your own self be true."
But I digress.
Can I be my one self?
Not as long as I look to other people to define me.
Probably, I quit using Facebook.
I stop talking to people who upset and judge me.
except that pretty much covers my entire family
save for one or two people I somehow seem to get along with regardless of how bad I have been or seem to be.
What should you do when you can't win?
Remember who you know (if you are lucky) or think (at least) you are, who you see staring back at you in the mirror.
That person who you both love and hate.
Also, remember that it's not everyone that judges you or tells you that you are this way or that. There are some people, like my nieces Lisa and Karen, who accept that you are what you are without requiring some contract that you are going to change to better suit what other people want you to become.
You are, after all, your own sense of potential, not someone else's - no matter how well intentioned they are.
I can't be that person.
I guess that's what you find while you are holding the shovel at the bottom of the pit you dug while trying to deny who you are/were/want to be while someone else keeps telling you things like:
"Why can't you be that nice person you were the last time you visited?'
I am that person, but I am also that wisecracking smartass that has problems with intimacy and kindness, that is more afraid of himself than anyone really suspects.
So, when you find yourself at the bottom of that slippery slope and you want my advice that it like this:
Be who you think you are or want to be, not who someone else thinks or wants you to be.
You will find that you are alone down in the hole, after all.
Well, at least, I will be there with you with my trusty shovel.
People should love and accept others for who they are, not who they think they should be! I know this doesn't always happen, but I am glad you know that I love you regardless!