Well it's not here. Although I wish it would be!
Then just when I think I am getting a handle on things the Elephant walks - well lumbers into the room and things get a lot harder ( oh now there's a metaphor for you) Confused? probably- it's a man problem. If we are not thinking about food then we are thinking about....
Tea Leoni a woman worth a million words, most of them unintelligible unutterable desires |
Safer but still she's got jeans on |
Doomed, I am doomed |
I will give you a hint, it's not sea-scapes, eyeliners or lipstick. It's women, bluejeans tight tee shirts and Look I need to think about something else since this kind of inspiration leads to impure thoughts and well (if you don't know then you are not old enough and should be in bed by now). So let's look at the thing I like to inspire me.
Adrenaline and blood, we need swords and blood |
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that's better. Heroes and guns, guns are good well not in light of recent events. But movies help- let me see about thinking about movies to get a grip (don't go there) on my life and need to be inspired.
Lots of men and more guns |
the business end of Mr. Bond's wit? |
Is it just me or is every movie these days about guys with guns?
No I mean look at this one- No it's not another Die Hard- Would you believe me if I said it's GI Joe 2?
Woman and guns |
And there you have it inescapable distraction of women. I guess I just tend to get women on the brain some days more than others So I will leave you all with these my frequent distractions....
guns on the brain well it did eventually notice she had a big gun (oh the irony in the possible plural of that) |
Woman and Video/PC Gaming |
I would like takt the for a ride. HEY for once I was talking about the motorcycle thing! |
There are other times I want to be spiderman, but right I WANT TO BE SPIDERMAN |
Just when you thought it was safe to think about Storm Troopers and Baseball |
There it is- I knew she was making me this crazy
And that life according to Mike! |
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