A time for Resolve, resolutions and promises we make to our loved ones filled with well meant intentions that are often beyond what we can keep.
- I shall make every effort to live on a routine. That means writing one blog entry a day (I have enough blogs to write something different everyday.
- I shall spend less time in front of a computer and more time outside being a somebody.
- I will exercise even if it kills me. (it's killing me)
- I will try to remember to be kind to everyone I meet.
- I will avoid spending to much time with bored, depressive, hateful people.
- Every time I am sad, I will quite and be Awesome instead.

So there you have it 7 things- I am going to strive for.
Because Life is a journey, the open road, sometimes it may look bleak but the best day is not necessarily sunny and clear as much as it is being able to rise, take up your burdens and walk on down that road.
Remember to get you nomenclature correct.
Call things what they really are. Judge as little as possible, let people speak for themselves and give them a chance to be the way they define themselves.
The Dude abides.
Things are only as good as what you allow them to be.
When you give something a name, that gives that thing or person power. The power to influence what you and possibly others will do/act/respond to what power that you have bestowed.
Remember to dance. or let your mind and heart dance.
Dance is good for the soul.
If you can't or won't dance then be Tina Fey.
Smart and honest and beautiful
You can make mistakes. you can mess it all up.
the only one that really needs forgiveness in the end is the forgiver.
Recognize your own limitations
but never accept them
you are
going to lie down
for that
Me, I am going to be the Zebra
I am going to be Awesome.
no one's perfect
they say
but everyone can be awesome.
This is a new year afterall. We can choose to make just about anything our reality.
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