Well it's time for another blog in which I will expound the value of human virtues and extrapolate on the human condition and find at least 3 more words that start with ex.
I saw this MEME today while I was checking in on John Green and his recent success and it got me to thinking about how we measure our own achievements and failures. I spent a fair amount of time goofing off on facebook and then trying to think of ways that I could measure my own achievements. I won't say failures because I don't have to look to far to find them.
I have made many bad decisions in my life.
I made many of them to quickly and out of emotional distress
Some of them I made for the right reasons.
Then one day you see a MEME or Quotation and everything changes and you realize that you have been going about life all wrong.
That in some way everything most of the people who influenced you lied about or at very least you just didn't listen to the ones who were telling you to make decisions that would improve your life.
There's this song "Go your own way-" by Fleetwood Mac that many of us hear and then forget that they could be talking to you.
Why is that?
It's a legitimate question that we should ask
It's like connecting the dots by drawing lines and then one day you stop and take several steps back and realize that your lines and dots are making the Mona Lisa and not just some smiley face on the wall of that cave that Plato talked about.
Find what makes you feel complete.
You might find yourself and know that being what you want to be won't make you happy or married or owning a house or living the myth that so many, many of us erroneously call the American Dream.
Take Danna Richards. I love here music and I applaud her efforts pretty much from the first time that Phillip Defranco mentioned her in his youtube show. Of all the indie songwriters/singers out there, she still stands out as the most ambitious and persistent inspiration to what I am doing now.
She's not rich or famous but she is still awesome and I will continue to do what I can to see that she can continue doing what makes her feel complete in this life, because it makes me feel complete. If I ever do make it "rich," the first thing I am going to do is fly out to see her and say let's make a collective where all singers can record and produce music without the stigma of making it with a record company dictating the terms.
It's true I could probably do that without money, but I am not a fool. Money always helps.
One day people will quote me.
note to self: work on some memorable quotes...
Right now I am changing my life, my equation to find myself and do something that I feel will make my life worthwhile. I want some of the things that other people want.
I want to find someone to share my life, loves, pain and ambitions with. The short answer would be a wife but we would have to share some of the same wants and dreams because I am not going out looking for someone just so I don't have to face my life alone.
It makes me different.
It makes some people look at me and dismiss me as just another overweight, white guy who "lives with his mother."
Someone I really thought I loved said that to me.
It was callous and cruel and true as far as she could see, but it was from her own ambitions that it was said.
Funny thing, it was at that moment, after 23 something years of thinking I really loved that woman, I realized that I did not.
I call it pain.
As the Dread Pirate said: "Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something."
Funny thing, I am back at the beginning again, taking stock of my life from the quotes of another.
It works and I can live with that.
So I will say it again and again until I know it to be true.
And that is life according to Mike.
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