Friday, November 2, 2012

Why I need to get up with the Sun and Write

This will be a rambling enty blog. So read on only if you dare or things are slow in your department.

This is my general feeling this morning

I love women, (not that it is reciprocated much) its not a sexual thing, more of an impish, life is splendid kind of appreciation.
Sometimes I wish I had been born a woman, but then I probably would have thought the same of men.... ok not really. Mostly people take themselves waaay to seriously.

This is one of my favorite N. Portman moments. Makes me wish I had known someone like her when I was young enough to believe I would meet her one day.

This morning over my breakfast of Oatmeal, salt, and Hershey's Special Dark Morsels


+= Heaven sent meal!

Anyway I realized that I have always been a writer in my life since I have almost always been the observer not the participant in the things going on around me.

 This girl <<<<<<<
She giving the visual on how that idea hit me over the Oatmeal moment.

I quietly screamed and flung down my spoon (scaring the cat)
Okay that was fiction but if the cat had been there I could have flung down the spoon and may have even startled it.

Years ago back when I still thought I would be a Archaeologist or a Artist or a Superhero. I lived through a series of experiences @ a junior college in Brevard NC (No I am not naming the college persay)
If involved AD&D (if you don't know what this is google Gary Gygax), sex, lust, a need for Justice, the Necromonicon (or a key of Solomon), lots of drinking, the student union, a girl crying wolf, a guy named Rambone (not Rambo but easily confused with him-apparently by the wolf crier), member's only jackets and the College President. Did I leave anything out? 
Oh Right, vigilantism, Justice, Barney Fife, unmarked security cars, Preps, Yippies, and dudes who play Drunk D&D.
At the time I thought I was a participant. Then a few years later I discovered this 

and my life changed, and the birds sang, and flew and probably did what they do every day (singing and flying)

Yes I know what you reaction is going to be

What are you going on about?

Wait? I got it.... No, no I don't.

Let me explain. When I found the Mac Classic. I discovered I had an inner voice. I found that it had always been there. It would take another 10 years for me to understand what that meant, of course.
The biggest hurdle in my own path was impatience. 
Think Queen.

Impatience- this guy gets it
world domination- well worlds domination.

So I am at Pellissippi State and I see this course:
screenplay writing
On a PC Clone (the IBM clones had already gone the way of the Dinosaur...evolved into Gateway 3000's)
I had started writing short stories by then.
(just wait that dragon has a point)
I had already written a short story called "D&D Late Night"
and then I found myself in this course and I needed something to write (when you take a writing course you will hear this phrase repeated almost as much as Sam Raimi, Stan Lee and Old Ben say "With great power comes great responsibility."
except this one is "Write what you know."
and it will take years to understand that it doesn't mean what you originally think it does.
So I wrote the Screenplay "D&D Late Night."

Circular logic
Now I am getting back to breakfast.  When I wrote the Screenplay, I realized that the short story I was basing it off of was too short, I needed more. Remember that list of things that mostly happened @ that college in Brevard?
I added it to the screenplay.
Because, I was there for all of it, I was in it, but mostly as an observer.
So this morning (while eating my oatmeal concoction -should patent it and get rich I should) I am trying to read Henry Miller (Tropic of Capricorn) and for some reason I start thinking about that movie that I should have found a way to make.
I did got to Video Production school years after writing the screenplay.
Then it hits me. Boom!
I am a writer (like here and now)
and my point is (has always been)
I am not getting the girl
the hero of my story gets the girl.
I am okay with that...
most of the time.
One day, someone (like God) may write about me
and I might even get the girl then

I am heroic. So like Kaneda, this is where I am riding off into the sunset.

and that is life according to Mike.
your turn.

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