Monday, January 28, 2013

Stop the world and I will Mind-meld with you


The world surrounds us and our societies are at  war with our human natures and cultures and ethnicities...
and I am alone.

So  what's new? Nothing so much as I am mournful and melancholic about the solitude I find myself in.
I did it to myself. I had to have standards, I  had to "live" with my mother. I moved to TN timbucktwo. I see  the irony of it all.
Writing about weddings has done me in, and then  I had to go and get this song stuck in my head.

Well here I am playing my cello in the wilderness. which  reminds me of another song thing. 
After listening to that, my lovelorness has mellowed into something that makes me feel like this great painting by Lynn Noelle Rushton, ( credit.

Imagine, if you  will or must, what seeing a sculpture like this (yes actually this  one- The Kiss by Rodin) does to a preteen boy who has just discovered girls.

Or one like this, same trip to Europe. Ruined for  life is  what it does.
 Now take  all that and mix it together with a picked on lonely and awkward boy with a  largely absentee father who at times is very romantic with his mother,  drop him in a coed boarding  school in the middle of the Veldt in Africa and  let  him loose to began dreaming and experimenting with a bunch of rejected children also at the boarding school. I look back now and miss those blissful nightmarish  days where I felt strong unbridled emotions and fumbled my way through learning to kiss and dream of touching girls. As  it turned  out in the end, in some ways the best and worst 2 years of my life. I "loved" 3 or 4 girls (and I remember their names). 
  • Olyvya who was my  first kiss (but only in complete privacy)- I botched it in classic style of a boy wanting to do an open mouth kiss. She gave me another chance  later but while it was a more memorable closed mouth kiss. The awkward fumbling of that evening in the tiny school  library will forever haunt my memory. Did I love her? Yes- I believed it back then. I love her now,  but  for almost completely different and thus inexplicable reasons. 
  • Kim Spiller. She seemed to be forever ingrained in my memory and yet now I cannot really pull her to memory in  focus anyway. I can still remember her holding me, the incredible excitement. I wanted to love her and eventually  did. We had this one thing in common we  both really wanted each others best friends. I guess I should have known and maybe I did. Bart Ridder was with Natasha Springett. She wanted Bart and I wanted Natasha and they wanted each other as much as 13-14 year-olds want anything. We pecked each other more  than kissed at first and somewhere in our desires  for others we found we desired each other  (probably in our desire to be with someone else).   I hope that if she should remember me, she thinks  of me fondly instead  of the 'we're breaking up' letters we exchanged frequently. 
  • Natasha Springett, who had more troubles  than any girl should ever have. I  hope  she found peace and her brother as well. She was  a dark beauty and had a natural way of being appealing almost all the time, even when she was screaming at Bart. I  wanted her and had  no way to express it. I wrote her poetry for years and years before I knew  she was the one  who I was writing about. Natasha was all perception  on my part. I remember a  movie where the guy wants a girl and constantly dreams about her and then finally gets to talk to her and finds that  she isn't anything  like what he had thought. (Can't remember what  that movie was). I touched the edge of what I thought  Natasha was and  then  like all dreams she  was gone.
  • Gillian. Poor Gillian, who was as plain  in appearance and  innocent of being everything she was accused of. How I wronged Gillian. I could burn in Hell for what I did to her and all for nothing. It was  the first time in my life that I realized how much a few words could  damage or damn  someone. I loved her after a fashion. She probably was worthy of a deeper more forgiving love. I told her how I felt  about her and she responded but some kids found out and I was made the butt of their sneering  so I snubbed Gillian to save face (it's sad that I would be forced to  relive  it over and over again in movies and TV for  all time). I later apologized but you really cannot take words back. If  I could  have I would have loved her just  to make up for what I had done- which is of course all  the wrong reasons for love.

 A few years later,  I fell  for  my  fist American Girl and thus set in motion my wanting the one girl I had a snowball's chance in Hell  of every getting any reciprocation from. Her name was Meshelle Houston, she was never even remotely mine, just the beginning of a long and  fairly fatal string of girls and later women I would want and never  have a shot with.
I missed Wendy Smith, apart from the  fact she was  coupled with a perfectly likable guy. But she  haunts my dreams and imagination because she seemed genuinely interested  in me. 
So  I dedicate this  to  her, not for  what is or even what was- but rather for  the promise of what could have been  if I had been anything other than what I am.
What am  I?

Let's see take this  guy
add this guy
and this guy

a little of this  guy
and a little of this guy
and  bit  of  guys this guy acts as
combine that with the perseverance and honor of Nevarre

the humor and skill of the  Dread Pirate Roberts

The  brilliance and wiliness of Vizzinni
if  you need me to explain this one, go back to  the top

foolishness and  ineptitude this portrays

Just added this for effect
multiply by  wanting this, the romance and willingness to defy the odds
And you get this as a result, Mikemummbled (without the bump) the one and only Michael  van Vuuren. 
Man, I really need to get a theme song!
Heck,  I suspect I feel better.
Let's do this all again tomorrow!

(wait  for it)


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