Thursday, May 10, 2012

In Between a rock and a hard place

It's often a  long shot when refering to rocks and hard places. I have to ask how  hard is the hard place exactly and the answer comes back: "Well Mike, it depends if it rained last night or not."
That's  what I  get for asking.
This has been a long  week for me AND it is not over by a long shot.
Tonight, I videoed and recorded the Memorial of a very  brave and honest woman,, Beth Boatner. I had forgotten how  Beautiful she was until I saw the video that was  playing at the reception. Some people can  live whole lives in a short amount of time while many of us live short lives in a much longer amount of time. Will it be all summer  in one day or  marking time in a  cardboard box  on the edge of eternity.
I helps to have faith at times like this.
It doesn't  have to be Faith in God (though  I would rather have that too) It just needss to be faith in goodness  and  love.
The most  important thing is love. Not romantic love (though I hear that doesn't hurt as bad as the books tell us it  does) but the  love of people  and from people around you. I would rather have love than money. It is a lot less lonely at the end  of the day with someone to talk to than to compare notes with-  well bank notes.

Tomorrow is the funeral of my dearest friend Ray White. Then we  bury him Saturday morning and I do a wedding Saturday Evening.
At the end of all things, sometimes it is best to mix sorrow and joy. As Ray would say: "Life has given me both great sadness and great joy. Each day is a blessing."

I might be in a  place  between the rock and a  hard spot, the frying pan and the fire; but it is a good spot to be in. I would say to all of you: Find  someone to love. Find Something to Enjoy.
And treasure them,  dearly.
You don't have  to be alone to  be lonely.

You are never alone unless you want to be alone.
You don't have  to be with someone  all the time to have them to love and for  them to love you back.
I will quote Sting. "If you love someone, set them free."
If it is a cat make sure you don't set them free where your feeding your birds...

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