Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday and it's alright

Spent much of yesterday cleaning out the Red Shed- the hub of MV2 Enterprises. As I was stripping down computers to resell parts and hopefully recycle/sell of the cases and listening to the same 5 cassette tapes over and over again on the cassette deck I never managed to sell, I got to thinking about what is any of this stuff worth in the long run?
We accumulate all of this stuff in our lives, especially Americans, I suspect as you find less developed countries and I mean "developed"- I suppose the average person acquires less stuff/possessions. It's hard to imagine being able to pack up your entire life in a suitcase or cardboard box. But there are so many more people in the world who do just that. You would think that people in places like India, China and Japan where population density high and space a premium that they would have very few possessions, and while many do- I have seen that they also have a lot of stuff. But it is still nothing in comparison to the piles and piles of junk that many Americans have.
I know from my own accumulation of things that I still have too much stuff, and I live in a 16x16 foot 2 story house and only use a fraction of our barn for my own things (this is not including my stock in the Red Shed or the tools/power equipment in the Barn- my next major overhaul there). But in my house, if I were going to start listing all the stuff I have acquired in my 42 years- it would astound many many people.
I will summarize a few items to give you an idea.
1. 300 plus comic books
2. 25 plus video games for Xbox & Xbox 360
3. 4 computers (2 desktops, 1 laptop & 1 netbook)
4. 30 or so fiction books
5. 15 CDs (down from my last purge of 100CDs)
6. 40plus DVDs and Blu-rays
7. a lot of clothes by my standards (nothing compared to my relatives standards- I might as well be nude by their standards if you looked at what they have by comparison)
8. furniture for all that stuff.

It is not as much as I did have- thankfully for my enterprising nature, over the last 13 or so years I have sold off a lot of my stuff. (actually I started selling off my stuff when I sold off most of my stars wars toys via flea markets back in the early 90's).

The question of the day is: How much stuff does a person really need?

Quote of the day: "I'm tapped out, American Express has got a hitman looking for me."
                                                                                 Bud Fox (Wallstreet [movie])

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